Sitsiam Camp News
Teachers Day:
The 16th January is Teachers Day in Thailand. It is a day where all students show their respect and appreciation to their teachers past and present for the priceless gift of knowledge that they have shared with us, their dedication to the art and preservation of the traditions and culture that has been passed down through hundreds of years and over many generations.
Growing up as a student of the Thai Martial Arts myself back in the early 1980s, I was so very fortunate to have a teacher who dedicated his life to the teaching and preservation of the art in Arjarn Tony Moore who has become one of the great teachers of the Thai Martial Arts.
Respect for the Thai Martial Arts is one of our fundamental values at the Sitsiam Camp. These core values are interwoven in the very thread and are an integral part of understanding the Thai Martial Arts. We believe that teaching these values to the children will impart to them respect for the arts, their teachers and the knowledge that they have been given taking this with them as they grow into adulthood and beyond.
A message from one of our past students Mr Simon Gray
Sawasdee Arjarn Tony
I just wanted to acknowledge this special day and thank you for being my teacher.
As I get older and with children of my own (now 13, 12 and 3), I realise how important the guidance I had as a young man was.
I told my boys the story of when, aged 19, I phoned you up and travelled up to Manchester for the very first time. It was a step out of my comfort zone but a step I’m very glad I made.
Today also offers an opportunity to remember Master Lec. He is greatly missed, and I am very grateful for the time I had with him and for the introduction you kindly made.
Best wishes to you and all at Sitsiam and Buddhai Swan UK.
Thank you for all you have given me.
Your student.
Artwork by AKSE
AKSE p19, the Manchester graffiti artist completes a stunning piece of art at the Sitsiam Camp. The portrait is of Kru Steven Moore, instructor at the Sitsiam Camp.
Click below to watch the Thai Martial Arts short film.
Thai Martial Arts, Muay Thai (Thai Boxing), Muay Boran (Traditional Thai Boxing) and Krabi Krabong (Thai Weapons Art).
This short film is testament to the past and present Teachers who dedicated their lives to preserving the Thai Martial Arts.
It is important that todays generation of teachers preserve the "Thainess" of the art with all the rituals and culture associated with Thailand, the birthplace of the Thai Martial Arts.
Training in Thailand
Tracking the Warrior Tour .
The trip will be organised for The end of October/November, 2024.
Please pick up your booking form from our reception or click the link. Booking Form.
Nowadays, there are many training in Thailand trips available for Thai Boxing enthusiasts wishing to undergo the rigours of training in an authentic Thai Boxing Camp.
The Tracking the Warrior Tour is so much more!
Students will have the opportunity to train in their chosen disciplines of the Thai Martial Arts, not just Muay Thai but also Muay Boran and Krabi krabong.
Aside training, students will be able to visit many of the historical places which are synonymous with the Thai Martial Arts, they will learn about the history of the warrior Kings of Siam and other Thai heroes which have been an essential part in the development of the Thai Martial Arts.
Finally, Students will be taught about the history and culture of this fascinating country, as I believe to fully understand and appreciate the Thai Martial Arts students should understand the history and culture behind them.
With over 35 years experience in travelling to Thailand.
Click the link above the book your trip of lifetime